Residential Copy Key Service in McLeansville, NC - McLeansville NC Locksmith Store


In McLeansville, community members trust McLeansville NC Locksmith Store to fulfill their residential locksmith and security needs. Our professionals are available to solve emergency issues such as lockouts and repairs. We understand that what is most precious to our clients is kept close to their hearts, often in their homes. Our clients depend on us to keep their families safe with sturdy, dependable locks and reliable security systems. Our community counts on us to secure their residences, protecting their families and their belongings with our unfailing personalized security systems. We place your personal security above all else, implementing protocols to ensure your security and safety and always verify the identity of any person requesting access.

We specialize in installing Mul-T-Lock Medeco locks that gives our clients customized locks. We repair, replace and rebuild locks on doors and garage doors.  We are here for you 24/7, 365 days a year to help during an emergency, for regular security system maintenance or installation. Call us today for your personalized security quote.

McLeansville NC Locksmith Store McLeansville, NC 336-347-8938